The Village offers email notification to residents/businesses when utility bills have been issued and are ready for viewing. While utility bills will still be mailed normally, this will provide residents with advance notice of the forthcoming bill. The due date for utility bills will remain the 10th of February, April, June, August, October and December (even-numbered months).
Account holders with an active email on file with utility billing will receive the new notification with the bills issued in November. Residents wishing to provide or update an email address for this service may contact Utility Billing at 847-428-2861 x302 or
The email notification will come from and will state the following:
"Your Village of Gilberts Garbage/Utility Bill is ready to view. Please visit and click ‘Pay Bills’ at the top of the page.”
Once you click ‘Pay Bills’ simply enter your full 12-digit utility billing number, including any zeros, where prompted. The account number should look similar to this: 0001234567-89.
On the next screen, simply click on your account and you will be able to view and/or pay your garbage, water and sewer bill.
Reminder: Online payment is not a requirement and as always, residents/business may view their bill online and pay through one of the Village’s other payment options including ACH, drop box or in-person.
Please contact the Utility Department with any questions: 847-428-2861 x 302.