On October 21st, 2008 the Village Board approved three ordinances creating the Central Redevelopment Project Area TIF. The Central TIF, located along the boundary of Interstate 90 on the southwest, Riemer Way on the east and Higgins Road on the north, will help to fund a number of infrastructure improvements in both Industrial Parks. The Central TIF includes the economic and historical cores of the village. The TIF Redevelopment Plan for the Central TIF spells out the potential improvements in the area. Potential infrastructure improvements include the extension of water and sewer, road reconstruction and streetscape improvements.
If you have any questions about the TIF district, please contact Village Administrator Brian Bourdeau at Bbourdeau@villageofgilberts.com
TIF Map - Existing Land Use
TIF Map - Existing Conditions
TIF Map - Parcel Identification
TIF Map - Redevelopment Project Area Boundary
TIF Frequently Asked Questions