87 Galligan Road • Gilberts, IL 60136 | 847-428-2861

Grass Complaints

We ask that all grass complaints be submitted through the below contact form. You may also email info@villageofgilberts.com with any grass complaints or questions.

It shall be unlawful for anyone to permit any weeds, grass or plants, other than trees, bushes, vegetable gardens, rain gardens, flowers or ornamental plants to grow to a height exceeding eight inches anywhere in the village. Please see section 4-5-2 of the Village Code for more information.

Please enter confirmation code shown above


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The Village of Gilberts / Building
87 Galligan Road
Gilberts, IL 60136
Phone: 847-428-2861
Fax: 847-428-2955

Office Hours
Monday - Friday:
8:30 am-4:30 pm

Police Department
86 Railroad St.
Gilberts, IL 60136
Phone: 847-428-2861
Fax: 847-428-4232
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Dispatch: 630-232-8400

Finance / Public Works
185 Industrial Drive
Gilberts, IL 60136
Phone: 847-428-2861
Fax: 847-551-3382

Office Hours (Appointment Only)
8:30 am-4:30 pm