87 Galligan Road • Gilberts, IL 60136 | 847-428-2861

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Gilberts Economic Development Commission is to attract commercial, office research, and light industrial development to the Village, while encouraging the expansion of existing businesses. The goal of the Commission is to promote economic development that will maintain and enhance the quality of life in Gilberts and to create a solid and diversified tax base to ensure the fiscal viability of the community. To attain this goal, the Commission will provide useful information to prospective developers and businesses.


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The Village of Gilberts / Building
87 Galligan Road
Gilberts, IL 60136
Phone: 847-428-2861
Fax: 847-428-2955

Office Hours
Monday - Friday:
8:30 am-4:30 pm

Police Department
86 Railroad St.
Gilberts, IL 60136
Phone: 847-428-2861
Fax: 847-428-4232
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Dispatch: 630-232-8400

Finance / Public Works
73 Industrial Dr.
Gilberts, IL 60136
Phone: 847-428-2861
Fax: 847-551-3382

Office Hours
8:30 am-4:30 pm