The purpose of Network Gilberts is to encourage the expansion of existing businesses while developing opportunities for commercial, office research, and light industrial development in the Village.
The goal of Network Gilberts is to promote economic development that will maintain and enhance the quality of life in Gilberts and to create a solid and diversified tax base to ensure the fiscal viability of the community. To attain this goal, Network Gilberts seeks to:
Become a central point of Gilberts information
Facilitate development ideas and opportunities
Link resources together
Creating a positive business community environment
Work with the business community to problem solve
Network Gilberts has created an initiative that brings gigabit broadband to the Gilberts industrial & commercial areas. Broadband with speeds up to 10gb are available to the area now.
Available Development Sites A listing of available commercial and industrial sites in the Village of Gilberts
Traffic Counts Traffic metrics past the available commercial and industrial sites in the Village
Development Process
This link will take you to a flow chart explaining the Village's processes for development applications. Please contact Village Clerk Courtney Nicholas, for forms and information.
Development Status
View available land for commercial/retail development.
Maps included are the Future Land Use Map, Zoning Map, and Boundary Map.