87 Galligan Road • Gilberts, IL 60136 | 847-428-2861

Public Works Department

Wade Kretsinger

Public Works Director


Phone: 847-428-2861 ext. 501        
73 Industrial Drive
Gilberts, IL 60136

The Public Works Department is committed to the maintenance, repair, and general upkeep to the streets, buildings public areas and parks of the Village of Gilberts. Public Works performs a variety of maintenance and improvements on all of the buildings owned and operated by the Village of Gilberts. These include Village Hall, the Police Department, the Water Treatment Plant, the Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the Public Works Facility.



Snow & Ice Removal

The Department’s focus is to remove snow and ice creating a driveable street within 4 hours of a measurable snow event with an accumulation of 2" or more. The Village has a fleet of four mainline plow trucks with two reserve trucks that are ready to be called into service should the need arise. The department maintains an inventory of 500 tons of roadway salt to disperse after the streets have been plowed. The Public Works Department maintains over 26 miles of streets within the corporate boundaries.

Pot Holes

Call 847-428-2861 to report a pothole. After hours, please leave a message. The Department seeks to fill potholes within 48 hours of a filed report.

Curb & Catch Basin Repairs

Repairs as needed. Catch basins are annually vacuumed and inspected to prepare for the next year's events and to help keep debris out of our waterways.

Roadway Crack Sealing

Each year, the Village seals the cracks in the Village streets. Neighborhood streets are done on a rotating basis. Signs are placed on the streets during this time to help warn the residents of possible sticky tar on the roadway.

Street Signs

Report a down or missing street sign at 847-428-2861.


Please report all down or non-working streetlights to Public Works at 847-428-2861. Village-owned streetlights will be repaired within 5 working days. Some of our streetlights are owned by ComEd. Call Public Works and we will notify ComEd within 8 hours for repairs.

Street Over-Lay Projects

Public Works working in conjunction with the Village Engineers and private contractors maintain street surfaces through resurface, over-lay and rebuilding projects.

Vehicle Maintenance

The Public Works Department performs routine maintenance on the Police Department, Water & Wastewater Department, and Public Works vehicles.

Parks and Public Areas

Memorial, Waitcus and Town Center Park

The Village has three parks maintained by the Public Works Department, Memorial, Waitcus and Town Center Parks. Playground equipment, soccer fields, football field, baseball diamonds, pavilions, and walking areas are cared for each week. To report damage, vandalism or graffiti to any of the parks' equipment or buildings, please call 847-428-2861. Public Works will report any damage to the Gilberts Police Department and act to remove graffiti within 48 hours. Look for the new Sand Park near the parking lot in Town Center Park. This park offers alternative play to the siblings of those participating in athletics. 


All ponds in the Parks are open for fishing. The Village, twice a year stock game fish in the ponds to keep the angling sport alive and well in Gilberts. Large-mouth Bass, Bluegill, Crappie, and Catfish are some of the choices to try your skills at landing. The ponds are not open for swimming or boating of any kind.

Public Areas

Along with the Village Parks, there are numerous areas of public space that must be maintained by mowing grasses and trimming trees. The Village mows approximately 55 acres of land. Annually, trees are trimmed to remove the hazards of street sign blockage. The goal is to keep branches at eight feet above the sidewalks and fifteen feet above the roadway. January and February are the best times for tree pruning.


The Village Public Works has at least one staff person that is licensed to apply insecticide in catch basins and ponds to help prevent those areas from becoming mosquito prone. The insecticide is provided by the Kane County Health Department. The Village also contracts with a reputable mosquito abatement contractor that is under contract to spray up to eight times a year.

Other Responsibilities

Community Events

Public Works play a large behind the scenes role in providing support to community events scheduled throughout the year.

Working Together

Public Works collaborates with all departments within the Village of Gilberts. We proudly share equipment, expertise, and labor to get the job done.




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The Village of Gilberts / Building
87 Galligan Road
Gilberts, IL 60136
Phone: 847-428-2861
Fax: 847-428-2955

Office Hours
Monday - Friday:
8:30 am-4:30 pm

Police Department
86 Railroad St.
Gilberts, IL 60136
Phone: 847-428-2861
Fax: 847-428-4232
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Dispatch: 630-232-8400

Finance / Public Works
73 Industrial Dr.
Gilberts, IL 60136
Phone: 847-428-2861
Fax: 847-551-3382

Office Hours
8:30 am-4:30 pm